In development, we feel very comfortable using Agile methodologies and we are certified in the best PMI-ACP , but we understand that in the life of companies we have to adapt to their needs, so we also develop projects with Waterfall methodologies .
What is the good? that at XCloudy we have extensive experience in both.
We have extensive experience in Agile and Waterfall methodologies and we adapt to the client’s methodology
Anyway, we propose our own methodology that combines the best of both worlds and follows the following scheme:
1.- Evaluate: As each problem requires one or more solutions, we prefer to dedicate the necessary time to making the foundations the most solid and oriented to the solution in the short and long term
2.- Design: Once the problem is evaluated, the design helps to create the necessary foundations to build the solution.
3.- Prototype: It is very important that the business can see if what is built meets all its needs. At this stage, prototyping is essential to ensure that development.
4.- Build: Once the foundations are built, it is time to start the project and develop the software. FrontEnd, BackEnd, third party APIs, everything starts to take shape.
5.- Iterate: What happens if the market changes? No problem, we iterate so that changes can be introduced in the life cycle. In this way, we will not be left behind in a highly competitive market, being able to adapt our developments to real needs.
6.- Reevaluate and maintain: Early deliveries require constant reevaluation. Thus, the growth of the application is adaptable and totally oriented to the business, not to the technology. The implementation of DevOps allows us to put the developed software into production, without risk and automatically.
After completing these stages, we will have quality software , oriented to customer needs , easy to maintain and above all productive .

We have extensive experience in Agile and Waterfall methodologies and we adapt to the client’s methodology
Anyway, we propose our own methodology that combines the best of both worlds and follows the following scheme:
1.- Evaluate: As each problem requires one or more solutions, we prefer to dedicate the necessary time to making the foundations the most solid and oriented to the solution in the short and long term
2.- Design: Once the problem is evaluated, the design helps to create the necessary foundations to build the solution.
3.- Prototype: It is very important that the business can see if what is built meets all its needs. At this stage, prototyping is essential to ensure that development.
4.- Build: Once the foundations are built, it is time to start the project and develop the software. FrontEnd, BackEnd, third party APIs, everything starts to take shape.
5.- Iterate: What happens if the market changes? No problem, we iterate so that changes can be introduced in the life cycle. In this way, we will not be left behind in a highly competitive market, being able to adapt our developments to real needs.
6.- Reevaluate and maintain: Early deliveries require constant reevaluation. Thus, the growth of the application is adaptable and totally oriented to the business, not to the technology. The implementation of DevOps allows us to put the developed software into production, without risk and automatically.
After completing these stages, we will have quality software , oriented to customer needs , easy to maintain and above all productive.